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Chief Creative Developer at UMAGE

Søren Ravn Christensen

The founder and chief creative developer of the UMAGE concept. Søren Ravn Christensen is a vital part of the creation of new designs coherent with the UMAGE philosophy of affordable luxury in sustainable compact boxes. Søren is an autodidact designer and firebrand with a background in developing concepts for the hospitality industry and galleries.  

“Great designs come in small boxes filled with extraordinary functionality and multifunctionality, making it useful in different settings throughout life, and securing the design a sustainable life cycle.”

Designs by Søren Ravn Christensen

5657C5657-5Comfort Circle Extended
En oferta

Comfort Circle

Desde €1,999.20 €2,499
UMAGE_packshot_5550C723-01_Lounge_Around_3-seater_oak_sugar_brown_2.png (2)Loungearound 3Seater Lifestyle
En oferta

Lounge Around 3 plazas

Desde €1,624.35 €2,499
UMAGE Packshot 5658 Heartnsoul Diningtable Oak 2 RD5664
En oferta New

Heart'n'Soul mesa de comedor, 200

Desde €2,249.10 €2,499
En oferta New

Heart'n'Soul mesa de comedor 120

Desde €1,799.10 €1,999
UMAGE_packshot_5550C720-01_Lounge_Around_daybed_oak_sugar_brown_1.png (2)Lounge Around Daybed
En oferta

Lounge Around cama de día, Horizons

Desde €1,234.35 €1,899
UMAGE_packshot_5562C723-01_Lounge_Around_1.5-seater_oak_sugar_brown_1.png (2)5762C723-04
En oferta

Lounge Around 1.5 plazas

Desde €1,319.20 €1,649
UMAGE_packshot_5657C5657-1_Comfort_Circle_with_extension_rippled_oak_1.png (2)Comfort Circle Lifestyle

Comfort Circle mesa de comedor

Desde €1,039.20 €1,299
UMAGE Packshot 5621 Stories Oak 4 0F9f6877 57B7 4974 9100 F369c93f3f0fUMAGE Lifestyle Stories Oak Audacious Oak Silver Grey (2)
En oferta

Stories estantería

Desde €799.20 €999
UMAGE Packshot 5522 Together Smoothsquare Oak 3 OTPUMAGE Lifestyle Together Smoothsquare Oak 2 8Bced9a4 C966 4685 A456 A9cc08631c44
En oferta
Heartnsoul Consoletable Oak 1 OTP 915872C9 1Ff5 4Da9 Ba3e 99Bb70bdbf6fUMAGE Lifestyle Heart N Soul Console Table Oak Obsidian Black (1)
En oferta

Heart'n'Soul mesa consola

Desde €674.10 €749
Together OTPUMAGE Lifestyle Together Sleekrectangle Oak 1 E08723af B7ab 40Bd B3de 8Bcce86adc8a
En oferta