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Carmina is designed in reference to the soft waves of the slow moving dunes of the many beautiful shorelines surrounding Denmark. The Carmina introduces calm... 
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"Carmina is designed to reference the soft waves of the slow moving dunes of the many beautiful shorelines surrounding Denmark"

Technical Details

Assembly time

15 min Assembly video


Mini: Ø: 32 cm H: 22 cm
Medium: Ø: 48 cm H: 36 cm


Mini: 0.28 kg
Medium: 0.76 kg


Anders Klem


Polypropylene and polycarbonate

Additional information

Pendant, floor and table lampshade
Compatible with E26 / E27 - max 15W LED (not included)

Technical drawing of Carmina

Style it with

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A Conversation Piece Tall

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Cords & Stands

UMAGE Packshot 4144 Rosette White (1)UMAGE Lifestyle Rosette Brushedsteel 2


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UMAGE Packshot 4005 Cordset White 2 F8c5ebeb 7E05 4680 B229 3720E57557bbUMAGE Lifestyle Eos Large Lightbrown Cordset Black 2 A3d6e5b7 B1b5 4Aad 91Ef D4e8257fd714

Cord Set

UMAGE Packshot 4031 Cannonball White Lowres Bc9fcef4 E03d 44A2 Bf12 3Da7b358f67aCannonball White 6Da11a9d 1614 4Cc2 820A 0768B755d0d5


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